As promised previously today I am going write about adding remote pagination functionality with GXT Grid which was one of most demanded one from my readers. In my previous blog I have described in detail how you can load data from a remote data store and show them in GXT Grid. In this writing the same Comments entity and CommentModel are used to represent data. You will find the code of these classes here.
At first in the implementation of your GWT RPC Service add a method to load all the comments from the data store.
public List<Commentmodel> getAllComment() { List<Commentmodel> commentList = new ArrayList<Commentmodel>(); PersistenceManager pm = PMF.get().getPersistenceManager(); try { String query = "select from " + Comments.class.getName()+" order by postedDate desc"; List<Comments> list = (List<Comments>) pm.newQuery(query).execute(); if (!list.isEmpty()) { for (Comments c : list) { //convert from entity object to DTO commentList.add(CommentConverter.entityToModel(c)); } } }catch (Exception ex) {} finally { pm.close(); } return commentList; }
Now add a method public PagingLoadResult<Commentmodel> getComments(PagingLoadConfig config) in your service which takes a PagingLoadConfig object to determine the limit and offset value of the request and returns the desired list for the paging loader. Here is the implementation of the method.
@Override public PagingLoadResult<Commentmodel> getComments(PagingLoadConfig config) { //comments is a private variable of the service implementation class //private List<Commentmodel> comments; comments = getAllComment(); //get all the comments from the data store //and sort this list according to sorting info if (config.getSortInfo().getSortField() != null) { final String sortField = config.getSortInfo().getSortField(); if (sortField != null) { Collections.sort(comments, config.getSortInfo().getSortDir().comparator(new Comparator<Commentmodel>() { public int compare(CommentModel c1, CommentModel c2) { if (sortField.equals("comments")) { return c1.getComments().compareTo(c2.getComments()); } else if (sortField.equals("postedBy")) { return c1.getPostedBy().compareTo(c2.getPostedBy()); } else if (sortField.equals("postedDate")) { return c1.getStartingDate().compareTo(c2.getStartingDate()); } return 0; } })); } } //Create a sublist and add data to list according //to the limit and offset value of the config ArrayList<Commentmodel> sublist = new ArrayList<Commentmodel>(); int start = config.getOffset(); int limit = comments.size(); if (config.getLimit() > 0) { limit = Math.min(start + config.getLimit(), limit); } for (int i = config.getOffset(); i < limit; i++) { sublist.add(comments.get(i)); } return new BasePagingLoadResult<Commentmodel> (sublist, config.getOffset(), comments.size()); }
Your server side coding is done. Let's come to client side coding and see how to use this service to add remote pagination functionality with GXT Grid.
First create a RpcProxy object, proxy to make RPC call using the load configuration. With the proxy object create a PagingLoader, loader which is required to load page enabled set of data and enable the remote sorting attribute of the loader.
RpcProxy<PagingLoadResult<CommentModel>> proxy = new RpcProxy<PagingLoadResult<CommentModel>>() { @Override public void load(Object loadConfig, AsyncCallback<PagingLoadResult<CommentModel>> callback) { Gxtexamplegalary.greetingService.getComments( (PagingLoadConfig) loadConfig, callback); } }; // loader final PagingLoader<PagingLoadResult<ModelData>> loader = new BasePagingLoader<PagingLoadResult<ModelData>>( proxy); loader.setRemoteSort(true);
Now use this loader to create a ListStore of CommentModel and bind the loader with a PagingToolBar.
ListStore<CommentModel> commentList = new ListStore<CommentModel>(loader); final PagingToolBar toolBar = new PagingToolBar(3); toolBar.bind(loader);
Create a List of ColumnConfig and a ColumnModel from the ColumnConfig list.
List<ColumnConfig> configs = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig>(); ColumnConfig column = new ColumnConfig(); column.setId("comments"); column.setHeader("Comments"); column.setWidth(200); configs.add(column); column = new ColumnConfig("postedBy", "Posted By", 150); column.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); configs.add(column); column = new ColumnConfig("postedDate", "Posting Date", 100); column.setAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT); column.setDateTimeFormat(DateTimeFormat.getShortDateFormat()); configs.add(column); ColumnModel cm = new ColumnModel(configs);
Finally create a Grid with the commentList and the column model. Add a Listener with the Grid to handle the remote pagination functionality. In the handleEvent method of the Listener first create a PagingLoadConfig, config and set offset, limit, sort field and sort direction value of the config. Then load data by the loader with this configuration.
final Grid<CommentModel> grid = new Grid<CommentModel>(commentList, cm); grid.setStateId("pagingGridExample"); grid.setStateful(true); grid.addListener(Events.Attach, new Listener<GridEvent<CommentModel>>() { public void handleEvent(GridEvent<CommentModel> be) { PagingLoadConfig config = new BasePagingLoadConfig(); config.setOffset(0); config.setLimit(3); Map<String, Object> state = grid.getState(); if (state.containsKey("offset")) { int offset = (Integer) state.get("offset"); int limit = (Integer) state.get("limit"); config.setOffset(offset); config.setLimit(limit); } if (state.containsKey("sortField")) { config.setSortField((String) state.get("sortField")); config.setSortDir(SortDir.valueOf((String) state .get("sortDir"))); } loader.load(config); } }); grid.setLoadMask(true); grid.setBorders(true); grid.setAutoExpandColumn("comments"); grid.setStyleAttribute("borderTop", "none"); grid.setStripeRows(true); ContentPanel cp = new ContentPanel(); cp.setBodyBorder(false); cp.setHeading("Grid with Pagination"); cp.setButtonAlign(HorizontalAlignment.CENTER); cp.setLayout(new FitLayout()); cp.setSize(700, 300); cp.add(grid); cp.setBottomComponent(toolBar); RootPanel.get().add(cp);
That's all for today. Enjoy GWT and GXT :-)